Tuesday 31 August 2010

We write a billion words the same.

Okay so is it just me or has everyone started writing blog's recently? I started writing a blog a couple of months ago because I enjoy writing, I have things that I want to tell and writing them down always makes me feel much better. But c'mon.. Today I read a blog from a chav? Yes the 'Jezza Kyle' type are writing to! Since when was writing that kinda people's thing? I thought it was all 'weed and knifes?' Don't get me wrong I have nothing against 'chavs' and I really wouldn't mind who wrote blog's but really, when its about 'merkin' people (whatever that means) and simply not talking about anything remotely interesting, just simply calling each other 'sick men' - which is apparently a good thing? I really don't see the point? Following the heard and being a sheep, is the real reason your writing a blog. Because your friend is.. because that girl in your biology class is, because that person you most want to be like is. It doesn't matter what you write about as long as a few words are typed correctly. Actually fuck grammar altogether. "2day me nd smithy wnt 2 twn was mad mandem!!! got caut nickin a packat of s&v crisps. we ran away innit." Extremely genius. Not to mention the great advice about what to do if you ever get caught stealing salt and vinegar flavoured food. Brilliant.

I know it shouldn't but it really winds me up. I really don't know why but I find it incredibly irritating. Also something else that I find incredibly irritating.. when you write a blog, it takes you quite a while to write it and you put good thought in to what you put on the page, and when your eventually satisfied with it, been through the entire thing 100 times, lots of backspacing and pressing of the delete button, your eventually safe from spelling errors and incorrect grammar. 'Publish post'. BAM. One day later a blog from another 'blogger' which is incredibly and remotely similar to yours, and I mean extremely similar. Sometimes even a similar picture if your lucky?

Lets all write about the same things shall we? Lets all do the same things, and be the same people? No thank you. Lets be ourselves, let who you are, what you are and what you believe, shine through every sentence you write, and every piece of work you do. I would much prefer the world that way. Yes please and many thanks.

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