Monday 2 August 2010

Hopes & Dreams.

Today has been a thinking day. You know them quite days, you spend  just thinking (lots). Well yes one of those... I have decided once I hit 18 I want to go to university, I have always known this, but recently decided I want to go somewhere out of the country. America I was thinking. I will soon be starting my A levels and have decided that, I am really going to try my very hardest! Put everything I can in to them, and really put them first, so I can get the best grades possible. (get my head in the books) as they say. :)
I know this is a long way off now, but I like to think ahead.
I have a friend who lives in New York and im incredibly envious of him. His life seems to be so much more exciting than mine as well. When I speak to him he's always busy doing somthing planning somthing. Why cant I live a busy exciting life like that?
for example.. Today he is auditioning for american idol? Today... I walked in to Huntingdon town centre, to buy some mini jelly dolphins... (to realise it was a bank holiday, and the shops weren't even open). Genius Jennie. Genius.
Here are some reasons I would like to move to America...
-I find the American accent incredibly sexy on men.
-Americans are extremly polite and layed back. (not at all like the English)
-Change is a good thing.
-Change will bring excitment.
-I want to feast my mouth round a huge American burger (whenever i want)
-Plus being a English girl in a American city will give me a huge advantage!
I have a long wait yet... till then ill try making my life as exciting as possible!

Still slightly disappointed i didn't get my jelly dolphins :( My belly was craving them pretty bad.

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