Sunday 8 August 2010

Finding yourself...


Define Individuality- the particular character, or aggregate of qualities, that distinguishes one person or thing from others; sole and personal nature: a person of marked individuality.

What makes each and everyone of us an individual?
 What is it that influences us to turn out to be who we are? What we are?
 So many possibilities, but do anyone of us really know? 
Name. Fashion sense. Religion. Finger Prints. Accents. D.N.A. Colour. Likes & Dislikes. Upbringing. Friends. Wealth. Even scent. All of them are a combination of what makes each and everyone of us an individual. 
One thing that completely, no doubt bugs the hell out of me. When someone copies you. When someone wants to do things like you, dress like you, say things like you, date the same people as you. Please stop pretending your me. Because that means who am I? I cant be me if your me. 
Being a individual is very important to me. I don't want to be the same as everyone else. I want to be my own person. I am my own person in fact. Everyone has there own style what they enjoy wearing what they feel they look good in, and it's not going to be the same as your best friend/idol/sibling. So stop copying one another. Don't be afraid to be your own person. 
Sometimes its a confidence thing. Some people don't feel confident enough in there own body to be who they really are, but if you think about it. If your not confident in your own body, who's body are you really going to feel comfortable in? A total stranger?
People in there own skin is the most attractive thing someone can be. People with there own style. People who aren't afraid to be themselves. I want more people like that in the world. Our world is full of individuals so stop copying one another and be your own person already.
We are all beautiful one way or another, so embrace that beauty in your own skin :)