Monday 30 August 2010

A step in the right direction.

So the days are getting closer and the nerves are building.. three days and what I have been wishing for, for so long will be here. A fresh start! A spark of excitement in my 'same old' life.
I didn't think starting new would be this scary, and the sick feeling wont seem to go away (maybe that's my hangover from the weekend?) but anyway..  I thought it would be easy, and I would glide in with my head up high and a confident look on my face. But as the days are getting closer I am thinking hell no to that, and thinking that I am going to be shuffling in on my first day of sixth form with my head in my hands and a timed look on my face. Ill most probably be the one who scatters quickly in to the bathroom at lunch, and eats her lunch in the cubicle on her own. One foot fast pacing in front of the other, and quickly ignoring the sketchy looks. Great. But I have cleverly come to the conclusion that if everyone hates me and I do have to eat my lunch in the toilet on my own, I will get awesome grades, as friends wont be a distraction! Genius idea Jennie, genius! Win win situation really? So anyway.. The day is fast approaching, and I think that I am prepared. Well with clothes and all that jazz. Choosing something to wear every single day is going to be a task in itself now isn't it. First outfit.. too lesbian librarian, second outfit.. too plane Jane, third outfit.. wow, I didn't realise how big my hips were. Forth, fifth, and sixth. Done it all before, nothing seems right and I again try on the first outfit that I had tried on in the first place, and it now seems the best option. Lesbian librarian it is today, so ill set of out of my bedroom door with my wardrobe now a state, and most probably spill my cereal down my chin and on to my top, or drop my toast butter side down on to my freshly washed skirt. Just my luck?
I am sure ill be the one tripping up, dropping my books, getting rained on and definitely getting pooped on by birds.. or my luck even larger animals.. I wonder what this 'sure to be eventful' day will hold.. But I know that this change is definitely a step in the right direction, whatever the outcome..

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