Monday 16 August 2010

The Grasshopper.

Each and everyone of of us girls knows what I like to call... a Grasshopper. A Grasshopper is a girl or woman, who jumps over other women to gain a man. Then jumps from man to man to gain that much needed male attention. Like a Grasshopper that jumps from place to place. (Hence the name.)
The type of woman that tells all the men "women don't like me.. and I just don't know why" (followed by an innocent look, and a bit of pouting, and occasional some eyelash fluttering.) Here she wants boys to think that women are jealous of her beauty and or talents. But really women do not like her, because she would do absolutely anything, to get that man she wants. Stab any friend in the back for even a pinch of male attention. In fact she craves male attention. Thrives from the looks and stares. But in reality if she doesn't calm down, those looks she craves will not be good ones. Already us females know these women. We can spot a Grasshopper within 5 minutes of meeting one, and quickly befriend them. This is why they will have very little females friends. Mainly because they have used them, stomped and trampled on them to get that much precious man, who will use the Grasshopper just like she has to those 'friends' she once had. 
The Grasshopper will get a quick glimpse of male attention. A flash of what she wants, and next time try twice as hard. Stab twice as many people in the back to get what she wants. 

How to spot a Grasshopper-
Grasshoppers will hang out in places you find men (the pub watching football for example). This girl does not like playing football nor enjoy watching. She simply pretends to watch while actually eyeing up her pray. (By her pray.. I mean your boyfriends.)
Grasshoppers will wear a face full of make up and do there hair before they go to the gym to 'work out'. 
Grasshoppers feel the need to act stupid around men. (pretending they cant spell their last name for example.)
Grasshoppers will pretend they are best friends with boys but really shag them all, (and yours.)
Grasshoppers will get angry when other women get involved in there 'hunt'. 
Grasshoppers show a little to much leg, and a little to much chest, normally at the same time. (ever heard of less is more?)
Grasshoppers lie incredibly well. They will tell any unthinkable lie to make a man feel sorry for them. After receiving that much needed male attention, they will continue in their web of lies. Happily.  
Lastly Grasshoppers will change themselves to make that man want them. Be someone completely different to please that man.  

I have had many bumps with these types of women and I hope not to cross paths with many more, but I am sure I will. The lengths some women go to for a man. Not even a man. Just some attention. I want to say that I feel sorry for them, but I really don't. I have been tredded on and used too many times by these Grasshoppers, to any longer feel any type of affection for them. I hope there is karma. I really do. This blog was to warn any normal women out there, of these Grasshoppers. Please be aware!

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