Monday 23 August 2010

Head Fuck.

Tossing and turning in bed last night, after possibly the worst night in forever.. My night just seems to keep getting worse. One thing can make an awful night in to a incredibly dreadful night. Tonight it's not only one thing it's everything, bundled and wrapped up in to one. My feet ache, and my head hurts, thoughts running through my head, and I just cant seem to budge them. I really think that in this 'bed state' I just over think things when I shouldn't, and possibly care way to much about things that I shouldn't. But I just cant help it.. I sit up in bed strolling through hundreds of texts, trying to make myself sleepy, reading the same ones over and over again, at early hours of the morning...(The sleepiness doesn't kick in...The bright light of my phone, just makes me even more awake.) Why is this? Why cant I god damn sleep. The good thoughts now seem so far away, and the bad ones just seem to hurl them selves in your face. There is no escaping. Hundreds of thoughts keeping me awake. Running through my head. Give me a rest. So much worry, and I really don't know why? Why is it that when your in bed, all you do is think, over analyse everything, and make yourself feel really quite stupid. As I finally fall asleep, I have not yet received the worst... My dreams now turn to head fucks and every hour I awake, too remember the head fuck so very clearly, and again fall asleep and fall back in to another one. I awake in the morning to a loud and incredibly annoying vibration sound in my ear. Ignoring it just seems to make it hurt my head more. I'm up. And again those thoughts come running back. My head throbs and I need peace of mind. I must get out of bed so I don't think in my 'bed state'. Lets keep myself busy. Here comes another day..

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