Wednesday 25 August 2010

The ending of something small, and the beginning of something big.

I have recently realised, that when things come to a great low.. and you think that things cant get any worse, you just cant handle any more. You  feel like just giving in completely. That is really when things start improving, when things really do start getting better. The sun peaks from behind the clouds, and the rain really does stop falling.
I believe that good things have to end eventually, so new ones can start. We have to be strong and pick ourselves up. We have to fail at some things, so that we can improve at others, and dealing with the ups and downs is just a way of life. A bump we have to take in our stride. These bumps are what makes us as individuals stronger. Being a strong person is what helps us succeed at life.

Every time I come across a bad patch in my life, afterwards somewhere along the line, I know I will be smiling again soon. I just have to take the path I believe is right to bring me out the other end. The happy end. I'm not saying it doesn't take time, and I'm not saying these bad things don't hurt. Because they do.. Life can be hard, and some things that life throws at us can rip our hearts out. But in the end you have to remember their will always be something, or someone waiting for you to bring that smile to your face. Whether it's fortune, love, music, family, friends. Even the little things like a good book, a funny movie, someone's corny jokes, a bad chat up line, even something simple like getting caught in the rain with an old friend. (Possibly if your lucky enough even catch a complete stranger picking his nose, that's always quite amusing!) We all have to laugh and smile, eventually... Happiness always returns. Trust me!

When happiness returns it's amazing, happiness only gets better and more exciting with age. Happiness gets stronger and it means more to you, making you really appreciate it more. Smiles, laughter. It's contagious. We all catch it. We all want and need it, it's really what keeps us all going.. Sometimes you just have to be prepared to let in happiness. Don't be afraid and don't hold back. It will just delay those smiles. As long as it takes, (and I must admit, sometimes it takes more than a few downs to get an up..) They do come, they really do.
Remember everyone feels the effects of life, these bumps in the road, so share your joy, even if it's a single smile. That one smile might make someone's day. :)

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