Wednesday 11 August 2010

liar liar.

Liar liar.
There are many types of lies, different types of lies are used for different reasons. These lies consist of:
The famous fib...
As children we are told many fibs. Not cruel or nasty ones. Just little ones to keep us from being mischievous and naughty. (fibs that make our parents life's easier)
For example.. 'Babies come from storks' 'Get to bed or Santa wont come' 'If you go in the flowers at the bottom of the garden the tooth fairy wont give you money, because you stamping on there homes' (probably only my parents who told me that one.) But so young and naive we all believe the fibs we are told.
The next type of lie. The most irritating type...
Blatant lies. When someone lies to impress people. Your lies are obviously not real. You are making a fool of yourself. Please stop. Nope.. or just carry on. (As they usually do) No one will say anything to this 'liar' they will just sit back and pretend to be convinced. (Until later when the liar is discussed to many and everyone has a giggle about their stupidity)
The next type of lie. The kind lie...
The lie you tell your friends to make them feels better, the lie men tell to there partners to get in the 'good books'.  For example 'Honey of course you look absolutely gorgeous in the mornings.' and 'He's a twat, you can do much better than him!' These are the good lies. The lies everyone uses every now and then, for the good of the world.
The last and worst type of lie..
The hurtful lie. Lies people tell (mainly to get themselves out of trouble) works to their advantage not to yours.                These lies are normally hurtful when found out. Embarrassing for the 'liar' and hurtful for you.
Liar liar.
'Fishing in a delusion of liars is today's world.'

1 comment:

  1. very inspirational! boys come to mind for the 'blatant lies'!
