Friday 20 August 2010

Spring clean.

So today I was sat bored out of my mind. Once again. Everyone was out, and Facebook was yet again boring the hell out of me. Walking backwards and forwards to the fridge, and time after time still finding not a thing to eat. I took my boredom to my bedroom... Thinking it was a good idea to have a good spring clean and change my room around a bit, I had been wanting to do this for a while, so I got started. 3 and a half hours later. I now realise that was a bad idea.. Now with a TV that no longer switches on, draws that wont stay in, achy legs, sore back and burnt fingertips. I now wish I had never got started on that 'spring clean'. Although I have to give myself some credit my room looks the cleanest it's been in years! I also got rid of 5 big bags of junk out my room, which I am quite happy with. Old junk which consists of.. Millions and millions of stretched hair slides, numerous foreign coins, old magazines back from 'Summer 08' dusty play station controllers, (since when did I play, play station?), crisp and chocolate packets, old notes from school.. for example 'omg! do u fancy her! :o' (proves in itself how old they are.) A £2 coin which I was actually quite pleased about! numerous unopened bubble baths from past Christmas's from uncle's and aunties. Also 3 different types of slippers non of which were pairs. (Which I used to dust!)
When cleaning out my room, I came across some things that brought back some of the strangest and most wonderful memories I have had, also ones that I wish I had forgotten. For example.. I came across a ticket to see 'much to do about nothing' A play I went to see with school 2 years ago for an English trip I believe. The name of the play speaks for itself. It really wasn't about anything at all. That was possibly the hardest 3 hours of my life. Sitting there in absolute silence. No talking at all. The teachers were on to us like eagles! If they saw any type of mouth movement their heads would dart straight round, and that's when your in trouble! I remember enjoying the ice cream at half time though!
Scattering through my room a little more, I came across a green silk pair of Chinese slippers, they came in a matching silk slipper case. I clearly remember my grandma giving me these slippers when I was much younger. They were perched between my bed and my wall, and had been for a fairly long time. After brushing the dust off, I took them out of the slipper case and put them on my feet. It was clear that they had never been worn. They were incredibly uncomfortably and tight on my feet, (just as new shoes are.) So I took them off pretty quick. But when placing them back in the slipper case I did think of my grandma which I occasionally do, and I always have the same memory. Me and my sister in the front garden in our swimming costumes jumping over the sprinkler, and grandma splashing us with the hose. Odd memory to always think back to, but this is one of many that I occasionally do. Thinking of her made me smile. After crawling around on the floor and realising I had gained some wonderful carpet burn on my knee's, I then came across a cider lid. I budged my bed to the side of my room, and underneath... this cider lid was staring straight at me. (me and cider do not have a great past.) Everyone does it once and they never do it again. Cider was my worst enemy one night when I was incredibly nervous, incredibly young and obviously incredibly stupid. This night consisted of.. a 3ltr bottle of frosty jacks cider, police men firing questions at me like a game show, orange running trainers, stupid drunk texts, not being able to spell my own name, a incredibly long walk home (which ended in blisters), numerous amount of vomiting, and the best night sleep I have ever had. I must not forget a red face for the next two weeks, until people found new news to talk about. That cider lid went straight in the bin! After moving the bed back and finishing my room, I sit here in pain. My back throbs from carrying a gigantic TV (probably the weight of myself,) and I need my bed. My knee's are red raw and I need a pillow under my head, I need some shut eye. I'm so glad I have work in the morning which means I don't have to sleep in and waste the day away, also get my back better! But instead can wash and clean the salon floor and make it worse. oh joy. Remind me never to spring clean again? Worst idea ever.

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