Thursday 2 September 2010

Gliding paths with a liar.

I wake up this morning to a text on my phone. My eyes scroll the screen and my heart drops. I have glided paths with one of those liars I spoke about in one of my former blogs, what a fantastic way to start my day? Now before you ask.. Yes. It was the worst kind of liar. The hurtful liar. This is what I wrote about a 'hurtful liar' in my past blog- A hurtful lie are lies people tell (mainly to get themselves out of trouble) works to their advantage not to yours. These lies are normally hurtful when found out. Embarrassing for the 'liar' and hurtful for you. Now from experiencing hurtful liars even further.. I would like to now add to that.. A hurtful liar is also someone who has no other feeling for anyone but themselves, there glory is the only thing they care about. They will lie and lie and lie a little more even if they are caught out they will (most probably) continue to lie. 

So this morning after reading the text, I couldn't get back to sleep, I lay awake in my bed just simply staring up at the textured ceiling and following the textured lines with my eyes. I felt blank. I felt hurt. This isn't the first time either. This is a multiple time hurtful liar that I am dealing with.. I lay awake waiting for a reply but I know that it is far to early to be getting that. I ring twice and no answer. Thoughts rush through my head and anger starts to build. The day that I was originally looking forward to has now turned to a downer, and all I want is to get things straight. It's my word against yours and that's what is has come to? 

It shocks me that you could act this way behind my back. A friend who tells lie's and hurts you? Their not a friend at all. What's it for? A little man glory? A pat on the back "nice one man." But in reality you do not look good at all. When you get found out you'l be embarrassed and small, and probably carry on telling those sweet lies of yours. Your pretty convinced? I'm pretty convinced your a twat. Now go cross those fingers behind your back and hope they believe you, because I'm not letting you run away with my dignity. 

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