Wednesday 8 September 2010

I thought a thought, but the thought I thought, wasn't the thought, that I thought I thought?

So every since I got that fresh start that I had been asking for, I have just been feeling like there is something missing.. I do not know what. I just cant put my finger on it. But something is definitely missing. Things are different yes. But was that really what I wanted? Change? Maybe there isn't something missing, maybe it's just me missing the past. I really don't know. I keep persuading myself that it's just the sudden change, and it might be? Maybe all this changing schools has flustered me and kicked out the norm? I just don't know.. But I think it's time to forget about what's missing, and maybe now think about what's actually there, right in front of me. Focus on that.. Not that I know what that is yet, but ill figure it out soon.
Enough about the confusion, and on to the school.. So it's gigantic, and I mean huge! I have lost count, how many times that I have gotten lost and had to be pointed in the right direction.. then turned up to class late embarrassed and flustered. Great start. Everyone's lovely, no evil looks or snide comments.. maybe that's what's missing.. (pfffft yeah right!). No really everyone's been incredibly welcoming, what really helps. Most of my teachers have boring one tone voices that echo through your ears, in a huge drone. So when I have drama it's a relief, my teacher is mad. Her hair is big and wavy, just like her personality.. Her face is old a few wrinkles here and there, but she's a pretty woman and she's acts as if she is our age. I love it! She makes the whole class brighten up and automatically feel enthusiastic about work. (yes work) not like my so called art teacher..  Gosh that class is a drone and you could here a pin drop in that classroom.
The actual house the sixth formers study in is incredible, it's almost like a castle.. There are paintings on the walls from a hundred years ago, the staircases almost look like they are about to get up and change direction, just like they do in Harry Potter. I keep pressing the walls looking for secret doorways, and staring at the pictures waiting to catch out one of the people in the paintings, and see them blink! So all's new and dandy and apart from the tip toeing around the art room, the boring droning of the teachers and that thing that I cant quite put my finger on, all is good and I hope for things to keep improving.. and maybe ill catch one of those blinkers on the walls if I keep my eyes out.

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