Friday 31 December 2010

starting fresh

December the thirty first. We may be saying goodbye to the last year and hello to a new one, starting fresh (as we say.) But the real question is, do we ever really start fresh? Dont we all end up making the same mistakes as we did last year? Eating to much and putting on weight, 'ill go on a diet in the new year' only to be indulging in to many takeaways by the end of February. Falling for idiotic guys over and over, 'ill never date a player again' only to end up chasing after another one who's strung you along. starting up smoking for the billionth time. Biting your nails down to the brim. Letting those old cups and plates rot in your room until anyone but you gives it a clean. Leaving all your work to the last minute. Hating people for no reason. Being a constant liar. C'mon we all have faults, things we want to change.. and we all wait till the clock strikes twelve on new years day to change them.. only to go running back to our old self a few weeks later. Starting fresh can only happen with 5 things.. 1. Fresh head- thinking differently, saying yes to things that you would normally say no too.. or in another case learning to say no!  2. Fresh surroundings- going somewhere you would never have normally thought of going, who knows you might even enjoy it, not to mention the new people you'l meet. 3. Fresh memories- throw away them old pictures of your ex boyfriend and erase those sad songs from your ipod, lets face it... no one likes a crier. 4. Fresh look- be risky, try something you haven't ever thought of wearing or even change your hair style. and 5... Dont forget to still be yourself, c'mon you cant totally leave the old you behind. Fresh start and a fresh year stick with what you truly want to change, it may be hard.. but if you want something that bad im sure you'l find a way to deal with the urges... Happy new year bloggers, hope your livers survive the evening!

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