Thursday 14 October 2010

Your face is unrecognisable.

We are a pair. There is me and you, and you and me. Im holding on to that one little thing and I think you are to. It's always been us and its hard to believe this isn't you any more. Im holding on to who you used to be. Not the new you. Things change over time, as people get older and time moves on. We move on, and realisation kicks in. Your face is now unrecognisable to me. A face that was once as recognisable as my own, is now a distant shadow in the past. A memory that I try to hold on to but is being taken from my grasp. Busy schedules over load our life's and we are no longer a part of one another's and a day I would originally be excited for, I now dread. I do to my part to keep away. I take a different turning. Look another direction or Turn the other way. Something that used to come so naturally between us now seems the hardest thing in the world. The words im searching for are words blocked from escaping from my head, and we cant forgive each other like we could yesterday. The days are passing and the Gap between us is widening, and I still cant find those words. A step to the future is a step away from the past. It's just debating whether you want the future, or the past. I need to grow up and be brave enough to take that step. 


  1. hey.. nice blog :) I love reading it.

  2. thank you! i love hearing comments on what you gusys think:) x
