Friday 11 November 2011

brand new

So its been a while, possibly far to long. I haven't wrote from the top of my head in many, many months.. and here I am. I don't imagine anyone will be reading this any more but here it goes...

So my life has changed, not to much. But a little. Things are getting exciting for me now and im actually beginning to feel like an grown up. My hairs changed a little and maybe im a little taller but I sure don't feel old enough to be treated like one, but (apparently) I am so there we go. Ill be moving out next September. Packing up all my belongings and leaving the house which I have lived in for fifteen years. The scary part is my family wont be coming with me. Ill be moving in to an apartment of my own with fellow 'students' in which I may indeed have to put up with for a full year. Im hoping for the best. What I mean by this is, that I'm hoping not to be thrown in a gritty dorm, with ex heroin addicts and people who spend their entire student loan on dinosaur suits to wear to their lectures (yes. this could possibly happen!). Yep, you got it, I'm heading off to university.. well im hoping I am, ill keep you updated when I actually receive my results! 

This past year has been an eventful one, not to many changes but exciting steps to positive places, exciting steps to the future. My birthdays coming up and I just cant get my head around the fact that I will be eighteen. Yes me, eighteen! Since when!? Since when indeed! Well it has indeed finally come around and I have sadly enough been thinking...why have I been wishing my life away all these years? Everyone wants to be eighteen of course. But those precious years the most innocent years of your life you will never get back. Things seem to get harder and there are more things on your mind, more issues to worry about. More work to complete. Here is when you need to set your priorities. What really is important, what do you want to keep and what can be thrown away, what are you prepared to let go of and what are you going to put your whole self in to. Steps to the future can be painful steps I wont lie, but taking the hard path can lead you to an amazing future and that's really what I want.

I feel that every step I have chosen has brought me to be where I am right now, and that's a happy place. Ill be studying English and Creative writing next year hopefully in a big city. Somewhere new and exciting somewhere big enough to allow my creativity to flood and expand. Taking risks and exploring new challenges,  I've been waiting for this moment for my whole life and I cant wait for it to come. But for now I must enjoy the moment, make the most of my last year in my childhood home where my ma and pa still make my bed and cook me my dinner. I must enjoy the silly things that we can only do as a children, before that time runs out.  I for certain will not be wishing my life away just yet.